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I am a 20 something forever-on-the-verge of failure graduate student. Addicted beyond repair to Cricket, Chess, and Crime Patrol. Serial Procrastinator. Stats enthusiast. Thinks is funny but definitely is not. Cannot shut up.​

Why should I read these long posts?

Honestly, don't. This is definitely one of the most unremarkable things you will come across on the internet. So if you took a break from scrolling through cute dog images or hot Brad Pitt pictures (nobody is judging), please switch back. This is not worth it.

But, if you have managed to stay on, this blog is basically my attempt at writing about things that either I am very passionate about or about stories that I want to tell which you must have missed during your browsing through your daily meme routine. This means most of the posts will be about cricket, chess, politics and everything in between. Fun.

That is all I have to offer. You can either continue or go back to arguing with a stranger on Facebook about why yours is an expert opinion in foreign policy because Alia from work agrees with you, the correct use of the internet.

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